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Southern Windsor/Windham Counties Solid Waste Management District (SWWCSWMD) is a union municipal district dedicated to providing solid waste management authority, services, and planning to its member towns. The District was chartered in 1981 and currently serves fourteen Vermont towns. The District is managed by the Mount Ascutney Regional Commission (MARC), Thomas J. Kennedy, District Manager.
The Household Hazardous Waste Depot is closed for the season. We will re-open in May 2023.
What Can You Do With Your Food Scraps?

- Compost them in your backyard, or
- Bring them to the transfer station’s food scrap container (free, subject to change), or
- Pay a hauler to pick them up at your house.
Inventory: LOTS

We are still selling Soil Saver backyard composters. And we have Sure-Close food scrap pails. If you would like to buy one or both, download and print out the order form, and mail it in with a check. If you can’t print out the form, contact us at 802-674-9235 or and we will mail you one.
We are offering a remote opportunity to learn how to compost food scraps in your backyard.
Ham Gillett, a Master Composter, filmed a backyard composting presentation which Okemo Valley TV aired. OVTV also shared the program with other local cable access television stations for them to broadcast. Click on one of the links below for Ham’s presentation:
The Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District has a helpful booklet, “The Dirt on Compost,” about backyard composting that you can access here.

Composting in your backyard…it’s easy, saves you money, and produces a great soil amendment for your garden. Basically, composting is just collecting kitchen scraps and leaves and putting them in a pile or bin. Then Mother Nature does the work of turning it back into soil. Composting can be done with almost no effort. Just add kitchen waste and leaves from the autumn leaf drop at a ratio of 1:3 and …compost happens!
But what about bears?

Bears can be a nuisance when they are attracted to the food scraps in a backyard composter.
The Agency of Natural Resources has developed a short, helpful management guide.
Click here to read.
Latest District News

Vermont’s Universal Recycling Law
Vermont has solid waste legislation that focuses on recyclables and organics. It will lead to more consistent services throughout the state. To read more about this law, click here. If you would like to look at and/or use the new universal recycling symbols for recycling, food, and trash, click here. Download the Universal Recycling timeline and/or a summary of the new law.