As of July 1, 2020 all Vermont residents are required to sort their food scraps (with the exception of meat and bones) from their regular trash.
Please consider donating unwanted food to your local food/shelf pantry.
Questions about what should be composted and what can be trashed? Read this from the State of Vermont.
The government created a Food: Too Good to Waste Tool Kit to help people reduce food waste.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

If the food is no longer edible, consider feeding it to chickens or other livestock*. (*VT Dept. of Agriculture has restrictions regarding what can and can’t be fed animals being raised for human consumption.)
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If you don’t have access to animals, try backyard composting. It reduces your trash costs significantly, prolongs the life of Vermont’s one remaining landfill, and can be great for your garden.
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Bring food scraps (including meat, bones, and fats) to your transfer station and add it to their toter(s). Many transfer stations offer this service at no charge.
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Have a hauler pick up your food scraps curbside for a fee. Click here for a list of haulers.